Desktop Applications

SK Associates

Website Design

Why Desktop applications ?

Desktop applications are the ones which are available anytime offline and provide you with faster response and rich user experience. You can imagine a spreadsheet application to better understand what we are talking about here. A desktop application does not require a third party server to host your data. You have total control over your data and would not lose them unless you don’t backup your data regularly.

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Benefits of Desktop applications

Software application development began with desktop applications, which could be used on standalone machines only. However, with the advent of internet and online commerce, web application development gained importance. Word processors and media players can be considered to be typical desktop applications, while an online shopping cart on an ecommerce website can be considered as a web application. By definition, a desktop application means any software that can be installed on a single computer (laptop or a desktop) and used to perform specific tasks. Some desktop applications can also be used by multiple users in a networked environment. Web application development, however, soon started replacing desktop applications for reasons of portability and better functions from usability point of view. Web application development is usually made on client-server architecture and use a web-browser as the client interface. This is one of the reasons why web applications are so widely getting popular. Though web applications offer a slight advantage over desktop applications, there is a very narrow chance of desktop applications becoming outdated. The primary reason for this could be the security issues and legalities associated with web based applications.


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